Michigan Departmental Directory

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Tim Boring, Director, 517-242-5865, BoringT1@michigan.gov
Department of Attorney General
Dana Nessel, Attorney General, 517-335-7622, miag@michigan.gov
Department of Civil Rights
John Johnson, Director, 313-456-0450, JohnsonJ154@michigan.gov
Department of Corrections
Heidi Washington, Director, 517-335-2243, washingtonm6@michigan.gov
Department of Education
Michael Rice, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 517-241-0494, RiceM6@michigan.gov
Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Phillip Roos, Director, 517-284-6712, RoosP@michigan.gov
Department of Health and Human Services
Elizabeth Hertel, Director, 517-373-3626, HertelE@michigan.gov
Department of Insurance and Financial Services
Anita Fox, Director, 517-284-8658, FoxA5@michigan.gov
Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
Susan Corbin, Director, 517-241-6712, LEO-DirectorOffice@Michigan.gov
Barton Pickelman, Director, MIOSHA, 517-284-7777, mioshainfo@michigan.gov
Quentin Messer, CEO, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, 517-241-1400, messerq@michigan.org
Julia Dale, Director, Unemployment Insurance Agency
Amy Hovey, Executive Director, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, 269-621-2803, HoveyA1@michigan.gov
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Marlon Brown, Director, 517-643-3035, brownm55@michigan.gov
Dan Scripps, Chair, Public Service Commission, 517-284-8060, ScrippsD1@michigan.gov
Brian Hanna, Executive Director, Cannabis Regulatory Agency, 517-388-9431, HannaB@michigan.gov
Kristin Beltzer, Chair, Liquor Control Commission, 517-284-6310, BeltzerK1@michigan.gov
Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement and Potential
Beverly Walker-Griffea, Director, WalkerGriffeaB@michigan.gov
Department of Military And Veterans Affairs
Paul Rogers, Director, 517-481-8083, RogersP@michigan.gov
Brian Love, Director, Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, 517-230-1058, loveb@michigan.gov
Department of Natural Resources
Scott Bowen, Director, 517-284-6367, BowenS7@michigan.gov
Department of State
Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State, 517-335-2436, secretary@michigan.gov
Jonathan Brater, Elections Director, Bureau of Elections, 517-599-5723, BraterJ@michigan.gov
Department of State Police
James Grady, Director, 248-469-2000, gradyj@michigan.gov
Department of Technology, Management and Budget
Michelle Lange, Director, 517-241-5547, langem3@michigan.gov
Liza Estlund Olson, State Employer, Office of the State Employer, 517-335-6783, EstlundOlsonL@michigan.gov
John Gnodtke, State Personnel Director, Civil Service Commission, 517-284-0115, gnodtkej@michigan.gov
Jen Flood, Director, State Budget Office, 517-335-3420, floodj3@michigan.gov
Department of Transportation
Brad Wieferich, Director, 517-335-1645, WieferichB@michigan.gov
Department of Treasury
Rachael Eubanks, Treasurer, 517-373-3223, EubanksR@michigan.gov
Henry Williams, Executive Director, Gaming Control Board, 313-456-0232, williamsh8@michigan.gov
Suzanna Shkreli, Commissioner, Bureau of State Lottery, WeareJ1@michigan.gov
Executive Office
Gretchen Whitmer, Governor, 517-373-3400
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