Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Public Service Commission
Born: August 26, 1976 in Grand Rapids
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Jamie Scripps
Education: J.D. (Hons.), University of Michigan Law School; B.A. in Political Science, Alma College
Employment/Military Record: Practiced environmental law in the Washington D.C. office of Latham and Watkins, LLP; Chief of Staff and Special Assistant, The Scottish Parliament, Office of Nicol Stephen MSP; Northern Michigan Field Director, 2000 Democratic campaign; National HQ staff, Bill Bradley for President; Campaign Manager, John Austin for Secretary of State
Community Activities: Vice-President, Leelanau Children's Center, Advisor, West Shore Angels Group, Co-Chair, Northport-Omena Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Committee, Member, American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, Co-founder, Michigan Election Law Project
Religion: Presbyterian