Born: March 5, 1954 in Grand Rapids
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Jim De Boer
Children: Eric, Maria, and Jordan
Education: Eighteen-Hour Teaching Certificate (toward Master's Degree) 1983 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI; B.A. Degree in Secondary Education 1976 Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI English Major, Music Minor
Employment/Military Record: Assistant Director: She Leads Michigan and She Leads America, 2020-present Strategic Development. Co-hosts broadcasts for women of faith across the state and nation; Radio Talk Show Host and Producer (1260 The Pledge), 2013-2015; Co-Founder and Executive Director of West Michigan Character Council, 2002-2017; High School Teacher - English teacher at Holland Christian High School, 1978-1983; English teacher at Calvin Christian Middle School, 1977-1978; Language Arts teacher at Randolph Christian Schools, 1976-1977
Community Activities: Editorial Board of the FreshAire publication of Evergreen Commons , 2021- present; Mellon Foundation Grant Committee Member of Hope College, 2020-present; Served on the following committees and boards (2005 - 2019) Community Development Committee, Windmill Island Strategic Planning and Business Committees, Parks and Recreation Committee, Holland in Bloom Committee, Farmer's Market Committee, Civic Center Committee, Holland Energy Labeling Committee, and the Holland Youth Advisory Committee. Graduate of Leadership Holland, 2013 Trainer in Individual Gifts profiles for local non-profit ministries, 1998-2017; Church Personnel Committee Member, 1980-2018
Religion: Protestant, Christian