Rep. Dylan Wegela

(D-Garden City)
3 Years
House District 26
790 HOB
Official Website

Biographical Information

Born: January 27, 1993 in Michigan
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Anna Wegela
Education: Eastern Michigan University, 2011-2015, Bachelor Degree, Secondary Education
Employment/Military Record: Middle School Teacher - Phoenix, Arizona (2016-2020) 9th grade Teacher - Dearborn Public Schools - Dearborn, MI (2020-present)
Community Activities: Member of AFT Michigan Local 681, Democratic Socialists of America, Canton Democratic Club, Livonia Democratic Club, Dearborn Democratic Club, MICORE (Michigan Caucus of Rank and File Educators).

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

House (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2026)

Elections and Political Participation

Michigan House 26th District 2024
General Vote: 27,162 of 41,333 (65%)
Primary Vote: 6,130 of 8,310 (73%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: AFL-CIO Michigan; Michigan Laborers' District Council; Michigan League of Conservation Voters (general); Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan (general); United Auto Workers; We the People Action Fund (general)

Michigan House 26th District 2022
General Vote: 20,470 of 30,191 (67%)
Primary Vote: 3,614 of 8,588 (42%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: AFL-CIO Michigan (primary); American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25; Michigan Education Association PAC; Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary); Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights (primary)

Political Activities: My political story begins with studying the Occupy Movement and then grassroots organizing for Bernie Sanders in 2016.Once arriving in Arizona, I saw the state of their public schools. This was due to Republicans' attempts over the years to destroy them. These conditions are what compelled me to get involved. In 2018, I co-founded the group Arizona Educators United and we helped lead a teacher strike that returned $400 million to the school's system. Following our strike, we worked with the Arizona Education Association to organize around “Invest in Education” a ballot initiative that taxed people making over $250,000 to fund schools. Political Activity Includes: Being a lead Organizer in Arizona's 2018 teacher strike Serving a Union President from 2018-2020 15% in raises over two years More Prep and Lunch time for teachers Organized for healthier breakfast options for students Fundraisers for our district's food bank Bernie Sanders 2016 and 2020 campaigns Grassroots “Super-volunteer”

Committee Assignments
Key Legislative Staff
Samuel Nelson, Legislative Aide/Policy Services
Basma Hegazy, Legislative Aide/Constituent Services

Sponsored Legislation
HB 4053
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