Biographical Information
Born: July 7, 1986 in Chicago, Illinois
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Laren Weiss
Education: Valparaiso University, B.A. in History and Secondary Education (2009)
Employment/Military Record: After earning my degree I served for two years as an Americorps member. I previously worked as a high school English and Social Studies teacher in the Detroit Public Schools Community District. I'm a former member of the American Federation of Teachers, DFT Local 231, and served as the Alternate Building Rep at my school.
Community Activities: Secretary of the Tri-Community Coalition, a nonprofit serving the communities of Oak Park, Berkley, and Huntington Woods, and I previously worked as the organization's Program Director. I regularly volunteer with my local block club. I am also a member of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit.
Religion: Unitarian Universalist
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2021 - 12/31/2024)
Other Offices: I ran for Oak Park City Council and was elected in 2017; I served on Oak Park City Council from 2017-2020. I ran for and was elected as a State Representative for District 27 in 2020. I am currently serving my first term as a State Rep.
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan House 6th District 2022
General Vote:
33,898 of 40,405 (83%)
Primary Vote:
9,898 of 15,967 (61%)
Campaign Finance Reports
AFL-CIO Michigan;
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25;
American Federation of Teachers Michigan;
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (primary);
Michigan Association for Justice;
Michigan Education Association PAC;
Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary);
Michigan Manufacturers Association;
Michigan Nurses Association (primary);
Michigan Realtors;
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights;
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan;
United Auto Workers
Michigan House 27th District 2020
General Vote:
41,791 of 56,164 (74%)
Primary Vote:
10,615 of 22,429 (47%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Political Activities: Have worked on the campaigns of Brenda Lawrence for Congress and Anil Kumar for Wayne State University Board of Governors. I'm also an active member of the Oak Park/Huntington Woods Democratic Club. I previously served as the Michigan National Committeewoman for the Young Democrats of America, as well as the Treasurer for the YDA Great Lakes Region. I am an at-large member of the Michigan Democratic Party Youth Caucus.