Biographical Information
Born: July 12, 1984 in Racine, Wisconsin
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Nidhi
Children: Rohin, Shaan
Education: 2012-2014 - Masters in Business Administration (MBA), University of Chicago Booth School of Business 2002-2007; B.A. Economics, Ohio State University
Employment/Military Record: 2007-2010 - Ryan; 2010-2011 - KPMG; 2012 - Obama for America; 2013 - Google Inc.; 2014-Present - Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Community Activities: New American Leaders Board Member, Partnership for the Arts and Humanities Member, Sikh Temple of Canton
Religion: Sikh
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2025 - 12/31/2026)
House Minority Leader (1/1/2025 - 12/31/2026)
House (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2024)
House Majority Caucus Whip (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2024)
House (1/1/2021 - 12/31/2022)
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan House 24th District 2024
General Vote:
30,675 of 51,277 (59%)
Primary Vote:
9,895 of 9,895 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
AFL-CIO Michigan;
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC;
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (general);
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Laborers' District Council;
Michigan League of Conservation Voters (general);
Michigan Realtors (primary);
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights;
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan (general);
Reproductive Freedom for All Michigan;
Small Business Association of Michigan (general);
United Auto Workers
Michigan House 24th District 2022
General Vote:
24,866 of 40,834 (60%)
Primary Vote:
9,422 of 9,422 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
AFL-CIO Michigan;
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25;
American Federation of Teachers Michigan;
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary);
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (primary);
Michigan Education Association PAC;
Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary);
Michigan Nurses Association (primary);
Michigan Realtors;
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights;
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan;
Small Business Association of Michigan
Michigan House 21st District 2020
General Vote:
34,284 of 57,966 (59%)
Primary Vote:
12,222 of 17,465 (69%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Political Activities: Precinct delegate; Member, Canton Democratic Club; Member, Southwestern Wayne County Dems; Member, 11th Congressional District Dems; Member, MIDAC Member, SAMOSA