Biographical Information
Born: September 21, 1955 in Port Huron
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Susan Durand
Children: Laura and Andrew
Education: Drake University, BA Journalism, 1978
Employment/Military Record: Medical-Liability Insurance Agent since 1993, 10 years sales and sales management in operating room supplies (Baxter) and cardiovascular implants (Medtronic)
Community Activities: Multiple fundraising events for Angels' Place, Rochester Area Neighborhood House, Dutton Farm, MidCity Nutrition, Studio 1219, Teen LifeLine; Rochester Rotary member; St Andrew Catholic Church, cantor, since 1992
Religion: Roman Catholic
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2021 - 12/31/2026)
Other Offices: Rochester Hills City Council At-Large: elected 2011; re-elected 2015; VP 2014; President 2015-19
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan House 55th District 2024
General Vote:
29,026 of 54,019 (53%)
Primary Vote:
7,633 of 7,633 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
ABC of Michigan PAC (general);
Americans for Prosperity Michigan (AFP-MI);
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (general);
Great Lakes Education Project;
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC (general);
Michigan Freedom Network;
Michigan Manufacturers Association (general);
Michigan Realtors (primary);
Michigan Retailers Association (general);
National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan;
Right to Life of Michigan PAC;
Small Business Association of Michigan (general)
Michigan House 55th District 2022
General Vote:
23,210 of 44,811 (51%)
Primary Vote:
9,429 of 9,429 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
ABC of Michigan PAC;
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary);
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (primary);
Great Lakes Education Project;
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC;
Michigan Freedom Network;
Michigan Manufacturers Association;
Michigan Retailers Association;
National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan;
Property Management Association of Michigan PAC (primary);
Right to Life of Michigan PAC;
Small Business Association of Michigan
Michigan House 45th District 2020
General Vote:
29,227 of 55,831 (52%)
Primary Vote:
10,831 of 10,831 (100%)