Biographical Information
Born: February 21, 1957 in Kalamazoo
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Carol Slagh
Children: Rachel, Katie, Phillip
Education: Hope College: Graduation 1981, BA in Business Administration, Credential as Teacher in Secondary Education; Davenport College: Graduation 1978, Associate in Business Administration
Employment/Military Record: Byron Center Bank: 1997 - 2003; First Michigan Bank Corp.: 1984 - 1997; Twin Falls Reformed Church, Idaho: 1982 - 1984
Community Activities: First Reformed Church - Zeeland, 1976-present; Zeeland Chamber of Commerce, 1990-1995; Macatawa Greenway Partnership, Board 2001-2006
Religion: Protestant
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2026)
Other Offices: State House Representative 2019-2020; Ottawa County Treasurer, 2007-2018; Zeeland Township Supervisor, 2001-2007
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan House 85th District 2024
General Vote:
39,199 of 55,689 (70%)
Primary Vote:
18,268 of 18,268 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
ABC of Michigan PAC (general);
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC;
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (general);
Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC;
Great Lakes Education Project;
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC (general);
Michigan Freedom Network;
Michigan Manufacturers Association (general);
Michigan Realtors (primary);
Michigan Retailers Association (general);
National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan;
Right to Life of Michigan PAC;
Small Business Association of Michigan (general)
Michigan House 85th District 2022
General Vote:
32,848 of 46,872 (70%)
Primary Vote:
17,060 of 17,060 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
ABC of Michigan PAC;
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary);
Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC;
Great Lakes Education Project;
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC;
Michigan Freedom Network;
Michigan Manufacturers Association;
Michigan Realtors;
Michigan Retailers Association;
National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan;
Property Management Association of Michigan PAC (primary);
Right to Life of Michigan PAC;
Small Business Association of Michigan
Michigan House 90th District 2020
General Vote:
32,446 of 50,527 (64%)
Primary Vote:
9,258 of 12,000 (77%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan House 90th District 2018
General Vote:
24,421 of 37,175 (65%)
Primary Vote:
9,943 of 11,815 (84%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Right to Life of Michigan, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPac, ABC of Michigan PAC, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Realtors
Political Activities: Chair Ottawa GOP 2008 - 2010; Treasurer Ottawa GOP January 2017- 2018; Graduate of Michigan Political Leadership Program 2007