The Gongwer Blog

Unlikely Duo Agree On Part-Time Legislature, ‘Good Jobs’ Incentive

By Alethia Kasben
Managing Editor
Posted: July 12, 2017 4:34 PM

Progress Michigan, a liberal progressive group, and the Michigan Freedom Fund, a conservative group, are coming out in agreement on not one, but two issues as of late.

Both groups oppose the legislation sent to Governor Rick Snyder today creating a new incentive for businesses creating large amounts of jobs and both oppose the part-time Legislature proposal being pushed by Lt. Governor Brian Calley.

The groups’ reasons for opposing each proposal are similar, even with the different philosophies they hold in general. Tony Daunt with the Freedom Fund has criticized the part-time Legislature proposal as putting power in the hands of the executive branch and special interests lobbyists.

Progress Michigan has focused on issues within the campaign to get the proposal on the ballot, filing campaign finance complaints. However, the group also believes it would put more power in the hands of lobbyists.

And both believe the tax incentive passed today to create a “good jobs” program is a handout for corporations.

Of course there is plenty left for the two groups to disagree on, including the teacher pension changes passed last month, which Progress Michigan strongly opposed and the Freedom Fund cheered.

But it shows, again, that politics can make for unexpected alliances.

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