Michigan Senate Directory For 2025-2026

State Capitol, Lansing, MI 48909
19 Democrat, 18 Republican, 1 Vacancy
Secretary: Dan Oberlin
Senate Website

Senate Leadership

Majority Leader: Winnie Brinks
Majority Floor Leader: Sam Singh
President Pro Tempore: Jeremy Moss
Assistant Majority Leader: Darrin Camilleri
Majority Caucus Chair: Dayna Polehanki
Minority Leader: Aric Nesbitt
Assistant Minority Leader: Rick Outman
Minority Floor Leader: Dan Lauwers
Minority Caucus Chair: Kevin Daley
Minority Caucus Whip: Roger Victory

Directory List:

Dist Name Phone Email Office Yrs
1 Geiss, Erika (D-Taylor) 517-373-7800 senegeiss@senate.michigan.gov 5500 BOB 11
2 Santana, Sylvia (D-Detroit) 517-373-0990 senssantana@senate.michigan.gov 5600 BOB 9
3 Chang, Stephanie (D-Detroit) 517-373-7346 senschang@senate.michigan.gov 4100 BOB 11
4 Camilleri, Darrin (D-Brownstown Township) 517-373-7918 sendcamilleri@senate.michigan.gov S-2 C 9
5 Polehanki, Dayna (D-Livonia) 517-373-7350 sendpolehanki@senate.michigan.gov S-310 C 7
6 Cavanagh, Mary (D-Redford Township) 517-373-7748 senmcavanagh@senate.michigan.gov 6500 BOB 5
7 Moss, Jeremy (D-Southfield) 517-373-7888 senjmoss@senate.michigan.gov S-132 C 11
8 McMorrow, Mallory (D-Royal Oak) 517-373-2523 senmmcmorrow@senate.michigan.gov 6100 BOB 7
9 Webber, Michael (R-Rochester Hills) 517-373-0994 senmwebber@senate.michigan.gov 3200 BOB 9
10 Wojno, Paul (D-Warren) 517-373-8360 senpwojno@senate.michigan.gov 6300 BOB 13
11 Klinefelt, Veronica (D-Eastpointe) 517-373-7670 senvklinefelt@senate.michigan.gov 6600 BOB 3
12 Hertel, Kevin (D-Saint Clair Shores) 517-373-7315 senkhertel@senate.michigan.gov 7600 BOB 9
13 Bayer, Rosemary (D-Keego Harbor) 517-373-2417 senrbayer@senate.michigan.gov 3100 BOB 7
14 Shink, Sue (D-Northfield Township) 517-373-2426 sensshink@senate.michigan.gov 4200 BOB 3
15 Irwin, Jeff (D-Ann Arbor) 517-373-2406 senjirwin@senate.michigan.gov 5100 BOB 13
16 Bellino, Joseph (R-Monroe) 517-373-5932 senjbellino@senate.michigan.gov 5300 BOB 9
17 Lindsey, Jonathan (R-Coldwater) 517-373-3543 senjlindsey@senate.michigan.gov 3500 BOB 3
18 Albert, Thomas (R-Lowell) 517-373-1734 sentalbert@senate.michigan.gov 4500 BOB 9
19 McCann, Sean (D-Kalamazoo) 517-373-5100 sensmccann@senate.michigan.gov 7100 BOB 11
20 Nesbitt, Aric (R-Porter Township) 517-373-0793 senanesbitt@senate.michigan.gov S-105 C 13
21 Anthony, Sarah (D-Lansing) 517-373-6960 sensanthony@senate.michigan.gov S-324 C 7
22 Theis, Lana (R-Brighton) 517-373-2420 senltheis@senate.michigan.gov 7400 BOB 11
23 Runestad, Jim (R-White Lake) 517-373-1758 senjrunestad@senate.michigan.gov 7500 BOB 11
24 Johnson, Ruth (R-Groveland Township) 517-373-1636 senrjohnson@senate.michigan.gov 7300 BOB 13
25 Lauwers, Dan (R-Brockway) 517-373-7708 sendlauwers@senate.michigan.gov S-9 C 13
26 Daley, Kevin (R-Lum) 517-373-1777 senkdaley@senate.michigan.gov 5200 BOB 13
27 Cherry, John (D-Flint) 517-373-0142 senjcherry@senate.michigan.gov 3600 BOB 7
28 Singh, Sam (D-East Lansing) 517-373-3447 senssingh@senate.michigan.gov S-8 C 9
29 Brinks, Winnie (D-Grand Rapids) 517-373-1801 senwbrinks@senate.michigan.gov S-102 C 13
30 Huizenga, Mark (R-Walker) 517-373-0797 senmhuizenga@senate.michigan.gov 7200 BOB 7
31 Victory, Roger (R-Georgetown Township) 517-373-6920 senrvictory@senate.michigan.gov 6400 BOB 13
32 Bumstead, Jon (R-North Muskegon) 517-373-1635 senjbumstead@senate.michigan.gov 4600 BOB 13
33 Outman, Rick (R-Six Lakes) 517-373-3760 senroutman@senate.michigan.gov 4400 BOB 13
34 Hauck, Roger (R-Mount Pleasant) 517-373-1760 senrhauck@senate.michigan.gov 3300 BOB 9
35 Vacancy
36 Hoitenga, Michele (R-Manton) 517-373-7946 senmhoitenga@senate.michigan.gov 3400 BOB 9
37 Damoose, John (R-Harbor Springs) 517-373-2413 senjdamoose@senate.michigan.gov 4300 BOB 5
38 McBroom, Ed (R-Vulcan) 517-373-7840 senemcbroom@senate.michigan.gov 6200 BOB 13

Office designations: C=Capitol BOB=Connie Binsfeld Senate Office Building HOB=Cora Anderson House Office Building

NOTE: The Yrs column indicates the years this person has served toward their term limits. Click on the district number to see the district map. Click on the member's name for biographical information.

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