9 Terms
U.S. House District 5
2266 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Born: in Chicago
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Sue
Children: Matthew, Heidi and Caleb
Education: Master's degree, Wheaton College Graduate School, Bachelor's degree from Western Illinois University, Taylor University and Fort Wayne Bible College
Employment/Military Record: Division Manager, Moody Bible Institute Strategic Partners Division (September 2000-January 2006); President, Warren Reuther Center for Education and Community Impact (January 1999-September 2000); Pastor, Union Gospel Church, Tipton, MI (August 1978-1982)
Community Activities: Lenawee County Chamber of Commerce, National Rifle Association (Member), Christian Cradle Adoption Agency Board, Lenawee Habitat for Humanity, Boy Scouts of America District Chaplin, Tecumseh Kiwanis Club, Lenawee Riding for the Handicapped Board, Adrian Symphony Board of Directors
Religion: Christian