Alma Wheeler Smith

Biographical Information

Born: August 6, 1941 in Columbia, South Carolina
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: Conan, Dana and Tara; 1 grandchild
Education: Graduate of St. Thomas High School (now Gabriel Richard) in Ann Arbor; B.A., journalism and advanced degree course work in journalism and business administration, University of Michigan
Employment/Military Record: Senior Producer, public television; Senate staff for Sen Lana Pollack; Senator, 18th District
Community Activities: NAACP, Student Advocacy Center, ACLU, MichUCan
Religion: Catholic

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

House (1/1/2005 - 12/31/2010)
Other Offices: First elected to House in 2004; former member of state Senate, elected in 1994; former member of South Lyon Community School Board, 1984-92; former commissioner, Washtenaw County, 1993-94; running mate pick for unsuccessful Democratic gubernatorial candidate David Bonior in 2002 primary.

Elections and Political Participation

Governor 2010
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan House 54th District 2008
General Vote: 33,501 of 47,101 (71%)
Primary Vote: 6,672 of 8,810 (75%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan House 54th District 2006
General Vote: 22,246 of 32,131 (69%)
Primary Vote: 6,189 of 6,189 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan House 54th District 2004
General Vote: 28,568 of 42,126 (67%)
Primary Vote: 3,510 of 8,839 (39%)

Political Activities: Ann Arbor Cable Casting Commission (1973 - 78)

Recent News Coverage
Newsmaker 2010: Snyder Rocks Establishment
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Granholm Signs D.I.A., Visitor Bureau Bills
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Presented To The Governor
Friday, December 10, 2010
Capital Notebook
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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