Biographical Information
Born: October 13, 1953 in Midland
Marital Status: married
Spouse/Partner: Cynthia
Children: Daughter, Heidi; Son, Bill
Education: Bachelor of Science, Georgetown University, '76. JD, University of San Francisco School of Law, '79
Employment/Military Record: Attorney, Warner Norcross Judd
Community Activities: Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation, Board of Trustees of Albion College
Religion: Christian
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
Attorney General (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2018)
Other Offices: Senate (1995-2002), director of the state Department of Agriculture (1991-94); U.S. House (1985-90)
Elections and Political Participation
Governor 2018
General Vote:
1,859,534 of 4,250,553 (43%)
Primary Vote:
501,959 of 989,525 (50%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Police Officers Association of Michigan, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Restaurant Association, Right to Life of Michigan (blanket endorsement), Michigan Realtors Association, Small Business Association of Michigan (general election), Michigan Farm Bureau (general election)
Attorney General 2014
General Vote:
1,603,471 of 3,077,164 (52%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan Milk Producers Association, Michigan Bankers Association, Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC, Right to Life of Michigan, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Fraternal Order of Police, Detroit Police Officers Association, Associated Builders and Contractors, Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, Michigan Licensed Beverage Association, Michigan Retailers Association, National Federation of Independent Business, Michigan Health and Hospital Association, Michigan Osteopathic Association, Michigan State Medical Society, Michigan Realtors PAC
Attorney General 2010
General Vote:
1,646,756 of 3,136,620 (52%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Court of Appeals 4th District 2002
General Vote:
349,055 of 636,329 (54%)
Primary Vote:
115,143 of 270,323 (42%)
Political Activities: Unsuccessful candidate for U.S. Senate in 1990, President Bush's Personal Representative to Australian-American Friendship Week in 2001