Jennifer Granholm

Biographical Information

Born: February 5, 1959 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Marital Status: married
Spouse/Partner: Dan
Children: Kate, Cecelia and Jack
Education: Juris doctorate, Harvard Law School; bachelor's degree in political science and french, University of California - Berkeley
Employment/Military Record: Former Wayne County corporation counsel (1995-98), assistant U.S. prosecutor (1991-95), assistant in Wayne County executive office (1989-90) and clerk for U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Damon Keith (1987-88)
Community Activities: Mentor, Habitat For Humanity
Religion: Catholic

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

Governor (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2010)
Other Offices: Governor, first elected in 2002, Attorney General (1999-2002)

Elections and Political Participation

Governor 2006
General Vote: 2,142,166 of 3,801,434 (56%)
Primary Vote: 530,243 of 530,243 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Governor 2002
General Vote: 1,633,796 of 3,152,311 (51%)
Primary Vote: 499,129 of 1,046,673 (47%)

Political Activities: Former Democratic National Convention delegate

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