Born: March 20, 1975 in New York City
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Erin Schor
Children: Ryan and Hannah
Education: Bachelor's degrees in Political Science and History, University of Michigan
Community Activities: I'm a founding member of the Ingham County Land Bank and have served as a board member of the Tri-County Office on Aging and the South Lansing Community Development Association. Through my involvement with the Smartzone Board, I have helped create opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses, spurring job growth in the region. I have volunteered time with the Sycamore Park Neighborhood Watch and was an active participant in the Forest View, Old Everett, and Clifford Park Neighborhood associations during my time as an Ingham County commissioner. As a state representative, I regularly visit many of the more than 40 neighborhood associations in Lansing and attend many of the churches in my district for functions and to worship on Sunday mornings. I currently serve as a member of the Library of Michigan's Board, am active with the Greater Lansing Food Bank's Annual Empty Plate Dinner planning committee and serve as an honorary co-chair for Lansing's Juneteenth Celebration.
Religion: Jewish