Gretchen Driskell

Biographical Information

Born: October 1, 1958 in Port Washington, New York
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: Matt, Ryan, Marielle
Education: Master's in Business Administration, George Washington University; Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Lynchburg College
Employment/Military Record: Commercial realtor, former certified public accountant
Community Activities: Saline Rotary Club, Member, Ducks Unlimited, Member
Religion: Methodist

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

House (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2016)
Other Offices: State Representative, HD 52, 2013-2016; Saline mayor, 1998-2012; Saline City Council member, 1993-98

Elections and Political Participation

U.S. House 7th District 2020
General Vote: 159,743 of 387,267 (41%)
Primary Vote: 63,470 of 63,470 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

U.S. House 7th District 2018
General Vote: 136,330 of 295,060 (46%)
Primary Vote: 52,430 of 61,513 (85%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: End Citizens United, EMILY's List, Michigan Education Association, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Sierra Club, NARAL Pro-Choice America, AFSCME Council 25, AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan

U.S. House 7th District 2016
General Vote: 134,010 of 334,807 (40%)
Primary Vote: 25,590 of 25,590 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union; United Auto Workers; Sierra Club; League of Conservation Voters Action Fund; Michigan AFL-CIO; Michigan Nurses Association; Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, Michigan Nurses Association, AFSCME, Michigan Education Association, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters

Michigan House 52nd District 2014
General Vote: 20,849 of 37,114 (56%)
Primary Vote: 5,300 of 5,300 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: The Michigan League of Conservation Voters, United Auto Workers, Sierra Club of Michigan, Michigan Nurses Association, AFL-CIO, Michigan Townships Association Political Action Committee, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan, AFSCME Council 25, Michigan Bankers Association PAC, Detroit Regional Chamber PAC

Michigan House 52nd District 2012
General Vote: 26,647 of 50,257 (53%)
Primary Vote: 3,407 of 3,407 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Political Activities: Washtenaw Area Transportation Study (WATS), chair; Ann Arbor SPARK, executive committee; Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), vice chair; SEMCOG Transportation Advisory Council, chair; Michigan Municipal League (MML), board member and vice president; National League of Cities, Advisory Council vice chair

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