Born: April 15, 1952 in Bay City
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Judy
Children: N/A
Education: Associate's Degree in Business Administration, Delta College, 1975; Bachelor's Degree in Business/Marketing Education, Central Michigan University, 1977; Master's Degree in Business Education, Central Michigan University, 1985; Master's Degree in Secondary School Administration, Central Michigan University, 1993
Employment/Military Record: 30-year career in education with the Midland Public Schools
Community Activities: Member of Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel, 30-year member of the Michigan Education Association, National Education Association, and Midland City Education Association, Member of NAACP, board member of Friends of Bay City State Park, founding member of the Northwest Citizens District Council, member of the the Michigan Association of Mayors, member of the Urban Core of Mayors, founding member of the Mayors Automotive Coalition, founding member of Bay Future, Initiated the General Motors Powertrain Support Group, Initiated the Adopt-a-Park Program, Started the City-wide Clean-up Program, Started the Mayor's Housing Initiative and member of Bay County Historical Society
Religion: Roman Catholic