Born: February 9, 1966 in Dearborn
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Catherine
Children: Katie, Claire
Education: Bachelor's degree in Political Science, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988; Law degree, Wayne State University, 1991; Wayne State University, Master of Laws in Labor Law, 1993
Employment/Military Record: Municipal attorney, 1993-97; 2002; 2009-present; mayor's deputy, City of Dearborn Heights, 1997-2002; director, Wayne County Department of Environment, 2003-09; adjunct professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Wayne State and Eastern Michigan universities, 2008-2014; State Representative, 20th House District, 2011-2016; Plymouth Township Supervisor, 2016-present; Commissioner, Huron-Clinton Metropark Authority, 2017-present.
Religion: Missouri Synod Lutheran