John Olumba

Biographical Information

Born: July 12, 1981
Education: Graduated from Cass Tech; obtained his bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, where he double-majored in economics and political science. Law degree from Northern Illinois University.
Community Activities: Member of Vernon Chapel A.M.E. Church. He teaches Sunday school and is a licensed preacher. He also coaches a basketball team and founded a mentorship group for boys.

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

House (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2014)

Elections and Political Participation

Michigan Senate 2nd District 2018
Primary Vote: 1,767 of 27,506 (6%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan Senate 2nd District Special Election (November 6, 2018)
Primary Vote: 1,948 of 26,947 (7%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan Senate 2nd District 2014
Primary Vote: 3,663 of 16,524 (22%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: Great Lakes Education Project

Michigan House 3rd District 2012
General Vote: 33,938 of 35,403 (95%)
Primary Vote: 5,033 of 9,666 (52%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Michigan House 5th District 2010
General Vote: 11,567 of 12,874 (89%)
Primary Vote: 1,908 of 5,791 (32%)

Michigan House 5th District 2008
Primary Vote: 590 of 5,832 (10%)
Campaign Finance Reports

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