Biographical Information
Born: December 28, 1957 in Muskegon
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Rick
Children: Morgan and Taylor
Education: Bachelor's degree in Business, Michigan State University
Employment/Military Record: Master Tag, Bolema Lumber
Community Activities: Muskegon Veterans Jobs Fair (Co-founder this is our 7th Annual June 15, 2018 at the Walker Arena), West Michigan Legend’s Flight organizer that took 95 WWII Veterans to Washington D.C., Muskegon Sr. Resources Board, Promise Zone Board, Early Childhood Board, Rotary, U.S.S. LST 393 Veterans Museum Board, former board member for many organizations including: Community Foundation for Muskegon County, White Lake Community Fund, Hackley Hospital Cornerstone Foundation, Tanglewood Park Project for Sr. Citizens, West Shore Symphony Orchestra, White Lake Recyclers, Lebanon Lutheran Church, and Athena Award winner and Hometown Leadership Award from the National Assn. of Twps. - nominated by fellow White River Twp. board members.
Religion: Lutheran
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2018)
Other Offices: White River Township Trustee, 12 years, Montague Area Public School Board Trustee, secretary; former member of the Michigan Underground Storage Tank Fund board
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan Senate 34th District 2018
Primary Vote:
12,494 of 25,873 (48%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Right to Life of Michigan (dual endorsement with Jon Bumstead), Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, County Road Association of Michigan, Michigan Freedom Network, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Citizens for Traditional Values
Michigan House 91st District 2016
General Vote:
20,959 of 42,482 (49%)
Primary Vote:
5,165 of 5,165 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Right to Life of Michigan, Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPac Committee, Builders and Contractors of Michigan PAC, Great Lakes Education Project, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce PAC, the County Road Association of Michigan RUSH-PAC, National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan, Michigan Agri-Business Association AGRI-BIZ PAC, Michigan Realtors RPAC, MiBank PAC
Michigan House 91st District 2014
General Vote:
12,734 of 27,374 (46%)
Primary Vote:
3,543 of 5,202 (68%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan Manufacturers Association, National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, Right to Life of Michigan (blanket endorsement), Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Restaurant Association, Michigan Bankers Association PAC, Great Lakes Education Project
Michigan House 91st District 2012
General Vote:
18,924 of 40,037 (47%)
Primary Vote:
3,627 of 4,663 (77%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan House 91st District 2010
General Vote:
16,033 of 28,661 (55%)
Primary Vote:
6,619 of 10,748 (61%)
Michigan House 91st District 2008
General Vote:
21,034 of 45,478 (46%)
Primary Vote:
2,982 of 2,982 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Political Activities: Former Republican National Committeewoman for Michigan