Biographical Information
Born: August 10, 1957 in Lapeer
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Deborah
Children: Children: Michael, Thomas, and Elizabeth; Grandchildren: Emersyn, Alayna, Louise, Grayson, Luke
Education: Lapeer Senior High School
Community Activities: Lifelong Member Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Knight of Columbus; 3rd degree, Kiwanis Club of Lapeer, Right to Life of Michigan, National Rifle Association, Lapeer County Farm Bureau, Human Development Commission Board of Directors; serving Lapeer, Tuscola, Sanilac and Huron counties
Religion: Catholic
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
Senate (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2026)
Senate Minority Caucus Chair (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2026)
Senate (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2022)
House (1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014)
Other Offices: Arcadia Township Supervisor, 1995-2008; Arcadia Township Treasurer, 1989-1995; Arcadia Township Trustee, 1985-1989; Arcadia Township Planning Commission, 1983-1985
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan Senate 26th District 2022
General Vote:
74,158 of 118,757 (62%)
Primary Vote:
27,630 of 36,426 (75%)
Campaign Finance Reports
ABC of Michigan PAC;
County Road Association of Michigan Roads+ PAC (primary);
Detroit Regional Chamber PAC (primary);
Great Lakes Education Project;
Michigan Association for Justice;
Michigan Chamber of Commerce;
Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPAC;
Michigan Freedom Network;
Michigan Manufacturers Association;
Michigan Retailers Association;
National Federation of Independent Business-Michigan;
Property Management Association of Michigan PAC (primary);
Right to Life of Michigan PAC
Michigan Senate 31st District 2018
General Vote:
63,394 of 105,227 (60%)
Primary Vote:
18,548 of 31,702 (58%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Right to Life of Michigan (dual endorsement with Gary Glenn), Michigan Farm Bureau, Friends of Corn PAC, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Detroit Regional Chamber PAC, Citizens for Traditional Values, County Road Association of Michigan
Michigan Senate 31st District 2014
Primary Vote:
9,873 of 21,482 (45%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Small Business Association of Michigan Small BIZ PAC (blanket stamp of approval recommended)
Michigan House 82nd District 2012
General Vote:
24,482 of 41,514 (58%)
Primary Vote:
9,437 of 9,437 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan House 82nd District 2010
General Vote:
20,338 of 28,739 (70%)
Primary Vote:
11,232 of 11,232 (100%)
Michigan House 82nd District 2008
General Vote:
24,655 of 43,061 (57%)
Primary Vote:
3,788 of 11,013 (34%)
Campaign Finance Reports