Andy Levin

Biographical Information

Born: August 10, 1960 in Berkley
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Mary Freeman
Children: Koby, Saul, Ben, Molly
Education: Harvard Law School; master's degree from University of Michigan; bachelor's degree from Williams College; Berkley Public Schools
Employment/Military Record: Managing Partner, Levin Energy Partners, LLC; President, Lean and Green Michigan; Deputy Director (2007-2010), Acting Director (2010-2011), Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth; Formerly Of Counsel at Klimist, McKnight, Sale, McClow, and Canzano, P.C. in Southfield; former director of Voices at Work at the AFL-CIO; worked representing nursing home and home health care workers trying to improve workplace conditions; worked on labor-management issues at federal level including serving as a staff attorney for Presidential Commission on the Future of Worker-Management Relations and on national economic policy in Deputy Secretary's office, U.S. Department of Labor
Community Activities: Founding member, Detroit Jews for Justice. Member, State Bar of Michigan; member and recent national Director of the Labor and Employment Relations Association; Member, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.
Religion: Jewish

Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)

U.S. House (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2026)
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Acting Director (1/1/2011 - 2/27/2011)
Other Offices: Rep. Levin currently serving as the US Representative for Michigan's 9th congressional District. He currently serves on the Committee on Education and Labor, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Elections and Political Participation

U.S. House 11th District 2022
Primary Vote: 47,117 of 117,625 (40%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: AFT-Michigan,

U.S. House 9th District 2020
General Vote: 230,318 of 399,116 (57%)
Primary Vote: 103,202 of 103,202 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

U.S. House 9th District 2018
General Vote: 181,734 of 304,563 (59%)
Primary Vote: 49,612 of 94,651 (52%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Endorsements: Michigan Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, Communications Workers of America, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, UNITE HERE Local 24, Utility Workers Union of America, National Nurses United, Service Employees International Union, Operating Engineers 324, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, AFSCME Council 25, Michigan AFL-CIO, Michigan Building and Construction Trades Council, Detroit Regional Chamber, Michigan Realtors, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Michigan Nurses Association, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Michigan Senate 13th District 2006
General Vote: 56,214 of 116,322 (48%)
Primary Vote: 9,709 of 9,709 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports

Political Activities: Rep. Levin was a candidate for 13th Senate District in 2006. He is the son of U.S. Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Detroit) nephew of former U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-Detroit). Andy was a healthcare organizer with the Service Employees International Union for five years and the Assistant Director of Organizing for the national AFL-CIO for 11 years, helping workers across the country fight for a better life with a variety of unions. He created the Union Summer program, which put more than 1,000 young people on the front lines of union campaigns in the summer of 1996 and has been emulated by other unions for over 20 years. From 2007 to 2011 Andy served as Michigan's first Chief Workforce Officer. He created and ran the No Worker Left Behind program.

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